The Role of Energy Audits in Identifying Energy Efficiency Opportunities

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Energy efficiency is no longer just an option but a necessity for businesses and homeowners alike. With the rising cost of energy and increasing environmental concerns, finding ways to reduce energy consumption becomes more important with each passing day. One effective way to uncover these opportunities is through an energy…

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Renewable Energy Integration: A Guide for Businesses

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As the global push towards sustainability intensifies, businesses are increasingly recognizing the importance of renewable energy integration into their operations. Renewable energy not only reduces carbon footprints but also offers long-term financial benefits through energy cost savings and incentives. Here’s a comprehensive guide for businesses looking to transition to renewable…

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Harnessing Smart Technologies for Effective Energy Monitoring and Control

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The integration of smart technologies has revolutionized the way we monitor and control energy consumption. From reducing costs to minimizing environmental impact, smart technologies offer benefits for businesses and homeowners alike. Let’s explore the cutting-edge innovations in energy monitoring and control that are shaping the future of sustainability. Real-Time Data…

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Implementing Sustainable Energy Practices in Commercial Buildings

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As concerns about climate change and environmental sustainability continue to grow, businesses are increasingly turning their attention towards adopting greener practices. Among these initiatives, implementing sustainable energy practices in commercial buildings stands out as a crucial step towards reducing carbon emissions and minimizing environmental impact. From energy-efficient design to renewable…

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The Importance of Energy Efficiency in Modern Businesses

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In an era where sustainability has become a focal point for both consumers and corporations, the significance of energy efficiency in modern businesses cannot be overstated. Beyond the altruistic drive to reduce environmental impact, energy efficiency is a strategic imperative for companies seeking to improve their bottom line while minimizing…

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Building a Sustainable Future: The Role of Low-Carbon Cement in Construction

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Construction is a vital component of modern society, but it also has a significant environmental impact, primarily due to the production of traditional cement. Traditional cement manufacturing is responsible for a substantial amount of carbon emissions. However, there’s a promising solution on the horizon: low-carbon cement. In this blog, we’ll…

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Electrifying the Road Ahead: The Imperative Shift of EV Development to Big Rigs

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The automotive industry is at a critical crossroads as the global demand for cleaner and more sustainable transportation solutions continues to grow. While electric vehicles (EVs) have made significant strides in the consumer market, there is a compelling case for vehicle manufacturers to shift their EV development focus to big…

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How Rethinking Spread-Out Neighborhoods Can Decrease Municipal Emissions

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As the world grapples with the urgent need to combat climate change, it becomes increasingly crucial to explore innovative strategies for smart growth to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. While efforts like transitioning to renewable energy sources and improving public transportation are well-known solutions, there is an often-overlooked aspect that holds…

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How Electric School Buses Can Decrease Large-Vehicle Emissions

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School buses are an important part of ensuring all kids get an education, but they’re also notoriously energy inefficient. As older, diesel school buses rotate out of commission, school districts are increasingly choosing electric school buses to round out their fleets. Here are some ways that electric school buses can…

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Are US Cities Reducing Emissions Fast Enough?

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For decades, scientists have warned that ever-encroaching climate change will affect the world.  Today, experts stress that Earth faces irreversible damage if humans fail to lower planet-heating greenhouse gas emissions. They’ve called for an immediate and wide-scale change to reduce reliance on fossil fuels like oil and gas.  Major cities…

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How Tenant Energy Bills Signal a Need for Energy Upgrades

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As a landlord, you work hard to keep your building in great shape. Your tenants will let you know if there is a problem, such as faulty appliances or pests. But some other aspects of their household might be harder to bring up.  You may have to look for areas…

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What Is a Carbon Handprint?

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Everyone’s heard the term “carbon footprint,” which measures the amount of carbon dioxide an individual, building, or business generates as a result of energy usage and other activities. But there’s a new term: Carbon handprint. This phrase may more accurately describe the environmental impact of businesses and individuals. What Is…

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Improving Transportation Emissions Means Looking Beyond EVs

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As electric vehicles (EVs) become more widely accessible and inexpensive, more municipalities are turning to them to outfit their police forces, public transportation, and public works departments. They also are investing in the infrastructure necessary to support recharging individual citizens’ vehicles. While these efforts are all well and good, focusing…

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3 States Lead the Way in Decarbonizing Buildings

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Legislation promoting the use of electric vehicles is becoming commonplace across the country, but plans to decrease the energy output of buildings is less frequent. However, three states recently have enacted legislation aimed at decarbonizing buildings that, hopefully, will chart a course for the rest of the country. Massachusetts On…

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Why the Affordable Housing Push Must Include Efficiency Planning

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As the cost of housing continues to climb, more and more discussion is being had at the highest levels of the need for more widespread affordable housing. However, as a November report from the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) shows, currently available affordable housing lags in energy efficiency…

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How Utility Providers Can Use Energy Efficiency to Help Consumers

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Across the nation, many states are implementing efficiency goals for utility providers, requiring them to invest certain amounts into new efficiency efforts. At first glance, energy efficiency programs might seem counterintuitive for business. After all, providers sell energy by the kilowatt hour. When consumers use more energy, providers make more…

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Why You Should Split Retrofits Into 3 Stages for Maximum Efficiency

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Buildings contribute significant energy waste, especially in large and historic cities. Some people may believe the only way to solve this problem is to entirely replace the old buildings with brand new ones. But, in reality, this is an extremely expensive and inefficient option compared to retrofitting.  Retrofitting is the…

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Are Remote Assessments the Future of Energy Auditing?

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Industries have always looked for ways to make work easier and more efficient. Since the invention of the internet, business owners have used digital technology to virtualize elements that don’t need to be completed in person.  This trend has only been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. With more people staying…

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How Transforming Industrial Clusters Can Help the U.S. Cut Emissions

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As a world leader, the U.S. is integral to leading the global fight against climate change. One way that state and local governments can help is by supporting the transformation of industrial centers.  Industrial centers are concentrations of companies that specialize in goods or a service in an area. One…

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3 Ways Schools Can Promote Energy Efficiency in Their Buildings

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K-12 schools are some of the most important buildings in any community.  In addition to educating future generations, schools also serve as community centers. Other purposes they serve might include voting and polling, seminars, music and theater performances, classes for adults, and acting as an emergency shelter.  So it makes…

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The Missing Piece in Energy Efficiency Plans: Sustainable Transportation

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Today, more and more cities are setting strict energy efficiency standards in order to protect the environment and its people. This might include implementing minimum efficiency requirements for buildings and offering financial incentives to support them, for example. While these requirements are a good start for reducing emissions, there is…

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What Is Carbon Pricing, & How Could Its Use Affect U.S. Businesses?

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As the push to stem the tide of global climate change increases, countries are exploring more ways to curtail carbon emissions on a grand scale. One of the controls many municipalities across the world have put into place is carbon pricing. While the practice has taken off in places such…

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What Biden’s Infrastructure Plan Could Mean for Energy Efficiency Efforts

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President Joe Biden’s infrastructure plan, entitled the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework, is a $1.2 trillion effort to make an investment in a more sustainable infrastructure future for America.  Designed to find a middle ground between Democrats and Republicans, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework is designed with sustainability in mind while simultaneously working…

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10 Ways Businesses Can Conserve Energy During Hot Summers

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Energy is a leading expense for many businesses, especially during the summer months. And with global temperatures showing no signs of stopping their rise, it would seem more hot summer days are on their way in the future. The EPA’s ENERGY STAR program estimates U.S. small businesses collectively spend over…

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Strategies Municipalities Can Use to Improve Energy Efficiency

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Energy efficiency is important to most cities and towns, and understanding the right paths to take to improve efficiency can be a challenge.  Improving efficiency can result in long-term savings and will help municipalities meet local regulations while achieving broader climate change goals for lasting positive impacts.  For cities and…

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Peak Shaving: What It Is, & How It Can Impact Your Bottom Line

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Your business requires a lot of energy. From running lights and computers to powering heavy machinery, it’s very easy for your energy costs to balloon out of control. On any given day, your energy charges will be more expensive during peak hours, while the same amount of energy will cost…

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What Are Zero-Energy Buildings, & How Will They Impact Wider Energy Usage?

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The energy efficiency world is full of new terms and concepts that can be unfamiliar to the average person. “Building envelope,” “energy audit,” and “renewable energy technologies” are all phrases that, unless you’re part of the energy efficiency movement, may not make any sense. A big term, especially in the…

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Is Investing in Solar Energy Right for Your Business?

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As the price of traditional utilities has increased and more and more businesses seek to become energy-efficient, installing solar energy options is becoming a choice for many companies. But before you add solar panels to your building’s roof, it’s important to fully investigate whether the cost of investing in solar…

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Guidance for Making Buildings More COVID-Safe without Wasting Energy

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The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way businesses operate in both large and small ways.  As businesses and buildings are looking to find new ways to get back to business while still protecting people, wave after wave of guidelines have come out. Some of the recommendations, however, aren’t exactly eco-friendly,…

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6 Ways State Energy Efficiency Mandates Are Impacting Businesses

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To help promote a decrease in wasted energy and stem the tide of climate change, many states and municipalities have taken it upon themselves to draw up mandates for energy efficiency in the absence of a national strategy. These energy efficiency mandates and their ambitious goals are impacting businesses of…

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Energy Efficiency Benchmarking: How the U.S. Stacks up Globally

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Energy efficiency benchmarking standards in the United States are piecemeal at best, with individual states and cities creating their own requirements and best practices. As a result, the United States has largely lagged behind the rest of the world in terms of overall energy efficiency improvements, with some cities and…

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6 Ways to Make Strategic Energy Management More Successful

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For many companies looking to save money and reduce their energy expenditures, strategic energy management is a logical step toward creating a comprehensive, effective plan to help move them toward their energy-savings goals. But as with any other strategic planning adopted by organizations, when strategic energy management is not properly…

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Winners & Losers from the ACEEE’s 2020 Utility Energy Efficiency Scorecard

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In February, the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy released the results of its 2020 Utility Energy Efficiency Scorecard. This scorecard investigated the 52 largest electric utilities in the United States to see if and how they have made improvements to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Items such as what types…

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Covid-19’s Impact on the Way We Use Energy

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There are no strangers to the current world catastrophe brought on by COVID-19. Every country, state, city, neighborhood, business, and individual has been affected by this pandemic. The health effects are obvious and present in the news every day. As the world now begins to come out of quarantine, more…

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3 New Municipal Energy Benchmarking Regulations to Know for 2020

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As energy-efficiency efforts across the country grow, so do official energy-efficiency requirements in individual cities. The new year was no exception for changes to energy mandates, with 3 notable changes to large city regulations: Washington, D.C. The Clean Energy DC Omnibus Act of 2018 changed the requirements on the city’s…

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4 Tips for Getting the Most out of Your Energy Audit

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Conducting your own energy audit can be a time-consuming process. You spend a great deal of time planning the audit, gathering all your data, and then analyzing that information and coming up with your plan. To give yourself the best chance at a high-quality, low-stress energy audit, here are 4…

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The Full Story with Lithium-Ion

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Lithium-Ion (Li-ion) based batteries have garnered a lot of attention in recent years for being a capable, lightweight, and relatively cheap means of storing electricity.  However, as the old saying goes, Lithium doesn’t grow on trees. What is Lithium? Lithium is an alkali metal, which (if you remember chemistry class)…

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5 Ways Technology Has Made Energy Audits Easier

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Energy auditing used to be a cumbersome, time-consuming process. Conducting an energy audit meant hours spent collecting, organizing, and analyzing data even for small buildings. Thanks to advances in energy auditing software, the auditing process has become faster, easier, and more accurate, giving you better results the first time. Here…

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